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1 year old lab


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I have a one year old lab and I have worked with her alot. Up here where I live, we have spring duck hunting. Her first trip out was this past weekend. We had two other labs (seasoned hunters) and my dog along.

My dog watched the birds but when they would fall she would run out until the lake dropped off and she would bark and paw at the water. She was not too up for swimming out there to get a duck. She wanted to but maybe a little afraid of the water still. When some Tundra swans came into the decoys she watched them fall and she ran right out and retrieved one from deep water.

I am very confused. For ducks, she would not go out, but when she saw that tundra swan hit she did not think twice. Does anyone have any advice? I worked with her when I got home last night and when I threw a duck into the lake and shot she would do the say thing, paw and bark at deep water, until I yelled and screamed and get her excited enought o go get it then she would hesitantly go get it.

Is it a fear of water she has to get over?

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fisherman, My guess is COLD water, and a lot of excitment. She still needs to put the total puzzle together that she needs to swim out to the bird to get it. At 11 months temper your expectations and do just as you did... continue to work with her. Additional birds retrieved (especially thrown in shallow water) will solidify the desire to do water retrieves. The more she does the better she'll get. Also try a neoprene vest if the water is cold. It really seems to help the young and the old dogs be better able to withstand long water retrieves. At 11 months old, did she have much water work last fall? You may also be dealing with the typical confidence issues with a young dog and water and now you are throwing in retrieves. Do each step seperate and build on the foundation you start.

Good Luck!


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Thanks Labs4me for the info. I will continue to work with her on shallow water retrieving. The water up here is ice cold, the ice just went out and many lakes are still froze. Next time I take her out hunting this week I will set up in a shallow slough so she can touch bottom everywhere, and see if that makes a difference.

THanks for the advice.

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