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Staying in the boat


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Unlike "Lab won't swim". My lab loves to swim. So much that when I take her duck hunting or lately fishing, I can't keep her in the boat. I put her leash on and hold it but its a little hard to cast. I have tied the leash down but then she just whines (plus not safe). Any suggestions on how to keep her in the boat and not whine to go swimming?

She's my partner in crime and I would like for her to be able to go out with me and calm down in the boat!

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I have GSP that won't stay in the boat either. She stands with her front feet on the bow as we go across the lake and then runs around the boat when we're fishing. She's just too darn curious about everything.

Last year she fell out while trying to walk the tight-rope down the gunnel while I was reeling in a fish and was completely under the water. Luckily she came right up and swam to transom. After I pulled her butt in and finished unhooking the fish, I started to let line back out again and heard a sploosh, and she was back in the lake. She's a good swimmer, but makes it hard to fish when she's in the net more than the walleye.

She knows the word "fish" and what it means now too. grin.gif

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You guys should try musky fishing with a black lab that thinks that those big baits are training dumbies. Just about after every cast she would fly out of the boat and try and go retrieve them. I am hoping that this year with her being older I will be able to break her of this.

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My GWP jumped in the lake the first time she was in the boat and I casted out a bobber. She liked to try and retrieve them for the first few times out, but we kept bringing her out in the boat and it wasn't long before she got used to fishing. Now she can just sit and relax in the boat and enjoy the fishing with the rest of us. I think its great fishing with the dog, keep me company when the wife stays home. grin.gif

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