If you read part one, you know I'm trying to get a handle on what it takes to maintain a charge on a deep cycle battery.
I was talking to my brother this P.M. and he had an idea that I wanted to run past this group.
He wondered if a person could run wires back from the battery or alternator of your vehicle, and recharge your boat battery while driving to and from the lake...heavy wire, plug on front of boat, full charge meter/cutoff.....
Rogue Hunter
If you read part one, you know I'm trying to get a handle on what it takes to maintain a charge on a deep cycle battery.
I was talking to my brother this P.M. and he had an idea that I wanted to run past this group.
He wondered if a person could run wires back from the battery or alternator of your vehicle, and recharge your boat battery while driving to and from the lake...heavy wire, plug on front of boat, full charge meter/cutoff.....
Anyopne ever tried this? Pros..Cons?
Rogue Hunter
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