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last good nights sleep


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After months of waiting I'm picking up a new pup tomorrow am. She's a yellow lab. I have 7 and 9 year old dogs already so I'm rusty on having a pup. I've brushed up on my training books and as I type I'm an expert. By tomorrow I'll be confused, tired, but happy so you all get ready for stupid puppy questions. Just my warning.

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2 more weeks and I'll be joining the ranks of the new puppy owners again too! Fortunately, you're 2 weeks ahead of me so you can ask the dumb questions so I don't have to! HAH! tongue.gif

Good luck and HAVE FUN!


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One week update, the pup sleeps from about 9pm - 4am, not bad from day one. We run a little tighter kennel around here than we did ten years ago with our first pup, this one sleeps in the crate in the mudroom. If I recall correctly ten years ago the pup slept in our bed, what we're we thinking. Anyway, blaze good luck, I bet you can't wait.

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Whoohoo!! I pick mine up Monday!!

I'm a little luckier, she's already 6 mos, but we'll have her inside to start out with till she gets comfortable around the place.

I've had 2 Goldens and this will be my first Lab, so I'm pretty pumped. She's a Pointing Lab, but she'll mainly be trained for ducks. This summer will be FUN!!!

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OK fellas, please allow me a moment of "proud daddy-hood". Here's our new boy, Jake. He's a 9 wk old Drahthaar and he officially became part of the family on Friday, 5/6.


To put in bluntly, the dude's a stud! wink.gif

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Congrats blaze, our girl is 10 weeks on Friday and she's getting to the point where she can almost outrun me. I taught her come this week using tiny cut up hot dogs and a lead, it worked and she comes now. She's a genius!!! Good luck.

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