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Wild Willie

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Ike - what's up? Those chuckar ever show? Are you going to run a couple of your dogs in Setterguys field trial in April? If so let me know. I'm tempted to leave right now with Buddy and head up to the farm...seeing how its staying light until seven now. Sure miss get'n out after birds. Tell Dianne I said hello and have a blessed and happy Easter!

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Hey Willie,

I hadn't see any post from you in a while. The person with the chukar has 9 left so I was trying to find more, I think I found another place but I haven't called them yet. I was getting excited to start brushing up for the trails, Then we got 27 inches of snow last week end. Now people are coming to look at & pick out pups.

I was thinking of trying to make the later trail. If the weather allows some training. I'll keep working on the birds, I have a lot of land we can train on.

You guys have a great easter as well, hopefully you can spend it with family.

Take care & great your family,


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