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British Lab Pups-For Sale


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Scott, we have a new forum for advertising litters of dogs. Go to that forum and at the top of the page click on the link for contacting FM about posting an ad. Once you've paid for your ad and recieved the go ahead from FM, feel free to post an ad on that forum and this one also if you choose. Thanks for your cooperation

Good Luck!


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Go back to the main page of forums, look down to the next forum below hunting dogs, the forum is puppies for sale - hunting dogs. Click on that and at the top of the page is a link to post an ad, click on that and follow the instructions...

Good Luck!


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OK, I have a question...I am interested in getting more info on these Labs ASAP. Can I (according to the rules of the Forum) contact FishDuckDog thru Hunting Dogs to find out about these pups, or do I have to wait until he posts on the correct column? I'm not trying to break any rules,

I just wanna find out what he's got.



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