I think that I have finally decided on which graph to get this spring. I installed a graph in my old boat, but my new one (1750 fishawk '02) is set up a little different. I am pretty sure that I can figure out the electrical part again. Does anyone have any tips for running the wire from the transducer through the side panels and to the electrical hook-ups? Is it a big hassle to unscrew the panels? Train a snake to pull it through? I had my second dream of spring that the ice was off the lake today. I have got the itch. Any pointers would be appreciated. thanks
I think that I have finally decided on which graph to get this spring. I installed a graph in my old boat, but my new one (1750 fishawk '02) is set up a little different. I am pretty sure that I can figure out the electrical part again. Does anyone have any tips for running the wire from the transducer through the side panels and to the electrical hook-ups? Is it a big hassle to unscrew the panels? Train a snake to pull it through? I had my second dream of spring that the ice was off the lake today. I have got the itch. Any pointers would be appreciated. thanks
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