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pheasant maniac

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I'm not aware of being able to post an ad for free anywhere on FM unless the item is free. Once you pay for your ad you may post it in the for sale forum and other forums also. I posted for you how to post a for sale ad by clicking on the link in the for sale forum, and once you have approval you may post your ad here or other forums to draw attention to it.

I will double check for you on Setterguys comments on "free ads for litters". Never been privvy to such info. If that is the case I will post back to you to go ahead. My understanding is all ads are paid ads. I only moderate this forum, so if others are posting litters for sale in other forums, it's up to those moderators to edit it. It's not a case of favoritism... I'm going to be expecting a litter of pups this spring and I plan on paying for an ad... sorry for the confusion...

Good Luck!


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O.K. I checked with Rick and he stated that he would start a new forum just for the selling of pups. I see he already got that done! Good job Rick (and Webwrrior I assume). The ads are not free... you do need to pay for them and there is a link to click on the top of that page to do so. Feel free to contact FM with your ad and with approval you'll be able to post it in this forum.

Let me add that I have used the for sale forums on FM many, many times and I am more than pleased with the results. It reaches many people with the same pursuits as you and most times my item(s) sold very quickly.

Hope this clears up any confusion... thanks for being a part of FM!

Good Luck!


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