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NAVHDA - North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association

French Spaniel

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This is a post to welcome new members to the Southern MN NAVHDA club. I noticed that there was a earlier post on what NAVHDA test meant.

We will have our first training session on March 12th at Tammel Springs just south of Spring Valley. We train twice a month at Tammel and informal training on Thursdays at the Seneca grounds in Rochester.

This is an organization for the training and improvement of pointing dogs. We have contacts for getting birds for training and lots of experienced dog trainers to help beginners. We will be having a training session with Clyde Vetter over Father's Day weekend.

If you are in the southern Minnesota area and would like to receive a sample newsletter showing activities send me a e-mail at [email protected] Joining info will be in the newsletter. It can be a fun organization. French Spaniel

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