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How often to feed her?


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My 11 month old lab is eating twice a day and I was looking for opinions on when to make the switch to a single feeding. I want to eventually get her to a single feeding in the evening - what's worked for others out there?

P.S. She turns into a freak when it gets close to feeding time (both a.m. & p.m.) and I'm thinking she's not going to appreciate an empty stomach all day...

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Evening feeding is fine. It is better to maintain stomach compacity by feeding once a day and the extra heat energy released will keep him warm at night. Plus he won't be looking to be fed all the time.

Also when you are done hunting on a long day your dog can eat enough food at night to replentish himself for the next day. If your dog eats a lot in the morning and then has to run ten miles it will be extra baggage and his body will send it straight through.

Those concentrated energy bars may be good during the day to help keep him going, but most of his intake should be right after he is done hunting for the day.

Griff guy

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I switch mine over when they are through losing their puppy teeth. Usually 9-11 months. I've done once a day feedings on my adult dogs my whole life and have always had terrific results.

Good Luck!


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Thanks for the input. My intent, as Griff mentioned, is to feed her after a day of running in the field or swimming in a pond. The bars are probably good to have - especially when I'll be in control of my own bag of snacks.

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