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I really enjoyed meeting you at the ICE Series event at Medicine Lake a couple of Saturdays ago. That is quite the ride you have there!

I understand you got to meet Mrs. Tripleplay this past Friday when your kids were at the same b-day party as Jr. Is it true you might be looking to part with a goodie or two? Give me a call if that is correct. If not, no big deal and I'll see you up at the Rush Lake event. Hopefully Tripleplay Jr. will be in attendence as well, but he is sweating out the report card coming home today! He could end up being one crabby kid.

TP, I removed your phone number from your post....Dave

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Enjoyed meeting you as well! Yes, I met your better half and was quite surprised when I saw TP Jr at the birthday party! You were on my list to call last weekend but I ended with a couple of unexpected things to do like fixing the refrigerator, going to TwinsFest and snowblowing up north so, you were on my list for tonight. I call ya this evening.

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