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care for the pups during the cold


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Just a quick post to remind guys that your dog is expending additional moisture from his body during this cold spell. The relative humidity is desert like and your buddy needs additional water, whether he's indoors or outdoors. My dog's get warm/tepid water during these cold snaps. I think it helps them just like coffee or hot chocolate does for us.

Also, for those of you who have brought your outside dog in, and have him crated, give him additional exercise time to stretch his muscles, being cramped in a crate for 4-5 days during a cold spell can cause some atrophy. I've been letting mine out for 15-20 minutes at a time.

If you've moved them into the unheated garage in a crate, make sure you cover that crate with a blanket or they'd be better off in their house. Their body heat will just escape the crate and they will be spending the entire time "heating" the garage.

Watch out for pups in this weather. Their bodies are not able to regulate their body heat yet. They can actually get into trouble just being outside a little to long. A lot of quick trips outside is better than a couple prolonged ones.

Increase the quality and quanity of their food. They will use 50-80% more energy when it's below zero than at freezing. High fat foods increase the density and quality of their coats.

Good Luck!


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My lab is an inside dog, so I do not have the problems with keeping her warm at night (although my feet stay really warm with her sleeping on the end of the bed).

What things can I watch for when I take her out so I know she is getting to cold. Are there other signs besides shivering and standing on two legs? She is the type of dog that does not know when to stop, be it hunting or playing.

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I've never personally seen Hypothermia in a pup (once in an older dog busting ice all morning). They start to shiver uncontrollably and the one I saw started losing muscle control. Got him back to the truck, wrapped him up tight in a coat and blanket and seemd better by the time my buddy got him home.

I just know pup's metabolisms are not fully developed, I'd say if she is active when out (running around and jumping) she can tolerate the cold longer than one standing still on 2 legs... A good 10 minute romp probably is fine for pups over 4 months, younger pups (ie: 8 wek olds probably quick in and out). Make sure to warm them up if they have a good shiver going. Warm water works great!

Good Luck!


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Maggie is almost three and while she is not a large lab (55 lbs) she seems to handle the cold pretty well. Although when it is really cold she does not like going outside without me. I am not sure why but she will stand on the patio looking at me until I step outside. If I shut the door she runs to the door and headbuts it wanting to come in. I am usually the one that gets cold first and wants to go in.

Thanks for the information.

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