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Jefferson 12/04/04

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Fished Jefferson today. Caught 25-30 Macs. All under 20". Will be heading back up tommorow A.M. Road is not passible even with chains, unless you have very high clearance. About a 2 mile hike in, if you don't have a sled or ATV. Ice is 0-8" thick. Lots of soft spots ,so be careful. Didn't fish for any Bows, but I'm sure you could get 50 or so a day, up close to the shoreline. Lucky7 (Don), showed up for about an hour& 1/2. Him an a buddy hiked it in. I was young once too! Hope to see some of you there tommorow,

Dan cool.gif

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Dan it was good to see you yesterday. I definitely gained inspiration to get a snowmobile soon. Needless to say I was a little tired at the end of the day. John, did you go to Lake John Yesterday?

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Fished Jefferson again today. Got a few bigger Macs,but still most were under 20". Caught about 30 between 2 of us. The wind today was relentless. You know, your basic all day ,blow you away, Jefferson wind. Still had a blast though. Still need some fishermen for Glendo. Can't wait to ice some Eyes.


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I think I spaced out loading up my tackle box and left it by the side of the road last Saturday up at Jefferson. I was parked above the hill right before you cross the river in a pullout that was down to bare gravel. Did you happen to see it on your way in last Sunday or on your way out Saturday?

It has my fishing license in it too so it should be easily identifiable (sp). The box is tan and pretty small just mainly stuff for ice fishing and my license. The license is in the top in a sportsman wharehouse holder. First name is Luke.

If any of you are going up there would you keep a look out for it. Or if you already found it, I need the license most.



Phone (303) 306-6229

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I was in the Maroon Ford super crew parked right in front of you. I didn't see your box when I pulled out Saturday or when I pulled in Sunday. Sunday there were probably 5 or 6 fishermen in front of me. Sorry for your loss. Maybe someone else will respond.

Dan frown.gif

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I was parked on the other side of the creek from where you guys were parked. I had my kids with and never made it to the lake. I was in a Green mini van.

I may be going up Saturday and will look then. I wanted to go to Lake John and stay the night, but none of the guys I go with could stay the night and I did not want to drive that far for only a one day trip.

Thanks for looking.

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