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I guess you can still get a boat in on the marina ramp. The northwest ramps are frozen in.

Anyone been out lately and had any luck on walleye or trout? I'll probably head out Saturday for one last hurrah before winterizing the boat. mad.gif

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Heard that the walleye bite is great but the marina ramp can be very icy early in the day.

You're right. The ramp was icy. Just about launched my truck along with the boat. blush.gif

The lake is about 1/2 frozen. Ice all the way to the roadbed.

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I was out there Saturday the 4th...ramp was icy...watched the truck two in front of me slide down the ramp...we got some sand from the shoreline and spread all over the ramp and it took care of the sliding problem...it took me awhile to figure out the bite was real light...managed 5 walleyes with two over 18 inches and one 16 inch rainbow...the walleyes were put back...along the roadbed...most bites seemed to be in 10 to 13 feet of water...surface temp was 37 to 39...there were probably a dozen boats on the lake...one crazy water skier...it was gorgeous out there...supposed to be even nicer later this week...we were using minnows...saw one group doing pretty well with crankbaits...I didnt feel that ambitious...enjoying the calm, sunshine and radio...only in Colorado in December...

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