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Takin' my new ice shack out....


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I now own a 14 by 6 1/2 retractable wheel shack and I have a question for you guys about taking it out. When I go to Lake of the Woods for example, I'll take it out on the plowed roads. Beyond this, how do you get it to your spot? I don't have a plow on my truck so other than hitting some of the side roads or a lot of shoveling, how do you get 'er off the main road easily? I suppose if it's heavy snow I could pay someone (resort guy) to plow a road for me... Thanks in advance for your comments, suggestions.

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As far as I know you pretty much do as you say. Back in off plowed roads as far as you can and then shovel. Late in the season on LOW those hard sides are tuff to move around with. Especially on a normal or worse snow year. Your okfor most of the season. I know guys with them that bring them to sleep in on shore or just off the roads and then base out of them with portables when the snow is too deep.

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Last year, Lake of the Woods had some pretty deep snow during the late season. If you want to be somewhat maneuverable, I'd recommend going early before winter really sets in up there.

I don't know if there are unwritten rules as to where to plop your house down but people were camping right on the plowed roads last winter. confused.gif My humble opinion, please don't do this. The times I saw this, there were traffic jams because there was only 1 lane of traffic through around the house.

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I survey the area and unhoook the house quick and bust a path with the truck a few times so I have access in and out.

Judge snow depth by the clearance of your house, and not your trucks height...

The paid plowing is ok if others don't take advantage of it at your cost and actually use your road to fish on and block you in as well.

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