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ice hole bags?


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last year on this site i saw an add about these bags to put in your holes well not in the house so you wouldnt have to drill the next time u are at the house, ive been trying to find them again on the internet but no luck, anybody heard of these things or tried these things, i got a camper house that is a pain in the ars to drill in everytime just wondering if anybodys seen em

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They are called Air Plugs and are advertised on this site. I looked them up and they look pretty slick but they run about $80 a piece if I remember right so it's not a cheap investment. If they work good and are durable though it may be worth it to you, plus you don't stink up your house with the auger.

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I have seen the air plugs. Way to much money for something that may only get used a few times because of the hassle and time it takes in setting them up. The way we fish today, we are always on the go with taking the houses off with us or moving the next day to better spot. Don't get me wrong I think the concept and the construction of them are good, but the price is not. For the money it cost to purchace 6 airplugs, you could buy a brand new 12 volt Lazer power auger that won,t stink up the house when you re-open the holes. Just my $.02 worth.

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We use a five quart plastic ice cream pail with a lid on to keep the hole open, put sand or small rock in the pail hang the pail in the hole sumerged about 2/3rds of the way by the handle and let it freeze in, when you come back to your house remove cover squeeze sides of pail gentley and pull up pail, instant open hole, no ice chips , no sharp edges, cool.gif need bigger hole, look at the plastic covered products at walmrt. just remembered, the pail or plastic products have to be tapered from top to bottom.this is a cheap way but it works.

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To answer your question, ice cream pails are tapered some. The only reason you need a tapered pail is so you can pull it back out and don't have to pull like theres no tomorrow.

But thats a good idea, I'm going to have to try that one! grin.gif

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