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snowshoe recipe

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Hey 50,

Off the subject but, How did your crockpot venison turn out?

I assume you mean rabbits, right? Mom used to flour and fry the quarters for awhile and then bake them in the oven for 1 1/2 hrs. I can't remember all the fine points but if someone could fill it in for me, I remember it was a good way to eat Thumpers. You can crockpot them too.

We had a couple years where the rabbits got real mangy and I haven't eaten a bunny for some quite time.


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oh man, that crockpot pot venison was delicious. dinner is so mcuh better during hunting season. ooooooh about the snowshoe, thats my bad, didnt make myself clear, not rabbits, the alcoholic beverage that's supposed to warm you right up. sorry about that. anyways, the venison was wonderful, thanks for the recipe.


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You must mean Snowshoe Grog.............. equal parts brandy and peppermint schnapps.

Had a uncle that enjoyed a little too much the night before (in deer camp, many moons ago). He must have been a little "groggy" yet, as he fell out of his deer stand and brused a couple ribs. That beverage never made it to camp again.

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This works pretty good on any rabbit.

Quarter and simmer in salted water for 20 minutes, remove and roll in seasoned flour and fry till browned good.

The water you simmered in can be added to the fry pan afterwards to make a gravy.


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