Who makes the best bug suit's? Man the skeeter's and green winged deer fly's are nasty!! There is the meanest bread of fly living in the woods near Christine Dam on the Red. They are slow as lard but take out chunks when they get you! They are fearless to any spray or lotion I have tried, even 100 Deet! Remington used to make a good bug suit but don't see it anywhere? Head net's won't cut it these guys go through flannel shirts and denim like nothing. Any tip's?
I went ahead and watched some of the MLF coverage. Wheeler didn’t make the cut but the bigger story was the Poche/Avera fallout.
Kinda funny listening to both sides of the story and putting together the scenario, reading between the lines.
Who makes the best bug suit's? Man the skeeter's and green winged deer fly's are nasty!! There is the meanest bread of fly living in the woods near Christine Dam on the Red. They are slow as lard but take out chunks when they get you! They are fearless to any spray or lotion I have tried, even 100 Deet! Remington used to make a good bug suit but don't see it anywhere? Head net's won't cut it these guys go through flannel shirts and denim like nothing. Any tip's?
"Backwater Eddy"
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