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Need Angler Input.

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We have a working group putting together some facts and figures about what it cost for a weekend angler fishing trip out of your home town or state. Here is what we need, you can write a total dollar amount or you can break it down.
1. Motel
2. Food
3. License, bait, tackle etc.
4. Gas
5. Whatever else you can think you might spend please list

Thanks for your help, we are trying to get a new boat ramp in town and think the city doesn't care about the fishermen. We are looking at being able to put a dollar amount in front of them to show the impact the fishermen have to our area.

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For a three day Fri sat sun weekend in SD or MN I spend

Motel $75
Food $100
Bait $20
Gas $50
Bar $75

I buy a yearly license in both states so you can divide that by 12 months but as you can see it is any easy $300. Most people will tell you it is $100 a day unless you are a tight*ss. My two cents Solid

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a trip to minn for me. motels ( fri and sat nights) $155; gas for the trip home. $40 ; food and snacks. ( pizza,mc donalds,hardys, and stuff ..$60) this is for two of us and not including our licenses and the lures we seem to always buy. this is for a fri. night thru noon sun. weekend. del

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this is a tough one....

Lodging- $90
food- $40 (depending on people)
Bait, tackle, etc.- $30+ (have my licenses already)
Gas- $40 (depends if on ice or in boat, distance, etc.)
Other- $40 (antique shopping, flea markets, wal-mart, etc.)

If I have others with me, those numbers all go up depending on how many people and who those people are. The numbers drop some for food and lodging in the summer time as I camp, but they dont drop a ton...lodging becomes like $22 and food becomes closer to $25. If I am ice fishing out of state you can also add the ice shack tag.


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