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Wife wants a new truck. Suggestions?

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I'd assume if she's like my wife she wants some help in figuring out what to buy. Kind of a team event between husband and wife. It's going to be her vehicle so ultimately she should get the one that she wants along with some research and planning done together. Probably how a marriage should work I realize it doesn't always.

Once she has the truck I would wager she'll be happy enough that she won't have buyers remorse for not getting the other brand, that's how most of us tick.

Part of the fun of getting a new rig for many is the process including what we're all sharing right here. I always go to Edmunds or one of the other two sites and enter in the exact vehicle and they will show you what people are paying for them. I've brought that paperwork in (including if you are trading a vehicle do that research too) and it's helped in the negotiations. Instead of just haggling you've done your research and have documents to back up what the deal should be.

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Most people are die hards for a certain vehicle but I'm about what has worked for me and not neccessarly what I own. My first truck was a ford with a straight six and loved it. Next was a 2000 F-150 and had poor luck with it. I made the switch to a 2012 Toyota Tundra and have mixed reviews. I think the Transmission is incredible smooth (once you learn the toyota motor) but it has a lot of "squeaks" and "rattles." Running through a corn field over the last few days I felt it was going to fall a part. I also have an annouying "rattle" in the roof right above my head...only hear it when the radio is off so I can handle that. Tail light went out within 30k miles (don't think I ever replaced one on a previous vehicle). The tires that came on the truck are nothing to brag about and are not very good in the winter. Looked at the battery yesterday and only saw calcified sulfur.

I like the many features, how it rides, comfort,and how smooth the tranny is so this truck will be a test of time. If I get over 200k miles with no makor problems I'll be happy and buy another...but at this point on neutral.

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I hope I'm not mocked by this but the fact your wife wants a new truck is 100% awesome. I'd never post this but my post would have to be "My wife wants a new BMW. Suggestions?" When we're at the lake and she drives separately if we go to town I always take my truck and she wonders why. I'm not being seen in a BMW in a town of 114 and I know half the people.

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Steer her toward the truck that you want...Convincing her how regal she is driving your choice of truck will go a long way toward your future happiness...Trust me, she will be back to the family car, van, whatever, after you give her another snowjob to convert her....Aint marriage great?..... wink

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