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When should a guy go back after spooking a ton of deer?


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So a buddy and I hunt our spot this weekend, a nice river bottom area with a corn field on top a nearby ridge and another within a half a mile along the river... Our stands are approximately 200 yds apart.

Saturday morning, we got in the stands pitch black and early. He whacks a doe just minutes into shooting time. I heard the shot and the "thwack" on the ribs. It sounded good.

One comes by me about 10 minutes later and gets about 18 yd from me. I drew back and it heard so she looks right up at me and did the worst move. Turned her body and faced me head on. I held for about a minute let down. She saw the whole thing, but didn't flinch though. Then she relaxed and gave me the broadside. I shoot, hit a twig, miss clean, and the arrow went right right between the legs. She bolted. Convinced I effed up my chance that morning, I wait 30 min and was so mad at myself, I got down to grab my arrow. Soon as I hit the ground and got my arrow, I hear about 3 or 4 snorts in all different directions in front of me and I see white flags in the distance. F%#@$@#@$!!!!

Around 10 we drag my buddie's doe out. Left a clean trail through the vegetation from where it died to our entrance trail. We go back that evening (good spot for both ends of the day). He bumps two does by the same stand where he took one that morning. I see one that evening that caught my scent but no shot.

Sunday, we hit the same stands again. I had a little one blow behind me and bolt. Then later on that morning around 8 or so, a fat doe on the far 30 yd trail in front of me. No shot through the thick woods of course... That was the last deer I saw before we headed back to the cities..

Now my question is - You guys think I need to wait very long before hittin these stands again? I feel like we just alerted and spooked every deer in this river bottom, but we kept seeing deer even after our sloppy 1st morning. I also think we left our scent just about everywhere LOL!! Keeping in mind, we're just after does..

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Not quite Whitewater, but it is state land within a short drive and in a managed zone. The area gets its share of small game hunters and waterfowlers but we were pleasantly surprised with a very quiet morning. Usually on the waterfowl opener, the river and sloughs in the area echo with shots all morning. We had the place to ourselves pretty much the whole weekend.

I'm almost tempted to go back for just a quick morning sit this coming weekend as my time to hunt is quite limited this season, but don't wanna completely ruin the spot.... Ehhhhhh... Decisions decisions..

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I would go back in the next weekend. If they were mature bucks, then I may question going in so soon.

Is there another way to get to your stand so no deer will wind you?

As others stated, with it seems like alot of human traffic in the area, the deer may be a bit use to people. Like mentioned, move the stand a 100 yards or so, that way they will not know what area you are in.

I have had deer blow at me or a sound and 30 minutes later, I shot a deer so I would stay in the stand as it sounds like you have alot of deer in your area close by.

If you heard the shot from 200 yards, you have very good hearing or your buddies bow is a tad noisey on the shot. Just a suggestion but I would have your buddy check out his bow as it could have an issue making enough noise to hear it 200 yards away.

Good luck.

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If you heard the shot from 200 yards, you have very good hearing or your buddies bow is a tad noisey on the shot.

Good luck.

You know, I believe his bow is fine. He shoots a pretty awesome Elite Hunter and it's about just as loud as my Hoyt Spyder 30. I'm beginning to think the GPS app we used to measure the distance between stands may be off. It only takes a few minutes to walk over to him. The walk feels more like just 100 yds or so. We were just far enough to where I couldn't see his headlamp anymore. Perhaps it was giving us the measurement of our meandering path that we took during scouting?

Anyhow, the more I think about it, the more I want to go back and soon. One thing I noticed last season was the deer thin out in this "bottoms" area as soon as the vegetation dies and they either head for the hills or out toward the field edges when the corn is cut.

Thanks for all the replies. I'm probably going to set up 50 to 100 yds down next time. Lots of criss-crossing trails in that direction. Just need to find a decent tree with good lanes.

Hopefully, I get to go out there for a quick morning or evening sit this busy weekend.

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Yea just does/fawns. Being on state land the majority of the time, I don't even bother with trying to pattern a big buck. For bucks I just sit in funnels where I find a lot of buck sign during the rut and cross my fingers. For now, I am just trying to fill out a bonus permit.

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