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scent blocker clothing


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In a test with search dogs, by JA Shivik, Ph.D., forty-two people were hidden from Colorado search and rescue dogs. Twenty-one of the people wore activated carbon suits; twenty-one did not. The dogs found all twenty-one people who didn't wear activated carbon suits, and twenty of the people who wore activated carbon suits. There was no noticeable difference in the time it took the dogs to find the humans. It took the dogs 2.7 minutes to detect the humans who were not wearing activated carbon, and 3.4 minutes to find the humans who were wearing activated carbon suits.

This is why I wear my Scentblocker suits, one of the people wearing them was not found. (That's me)

Also the people wearing the suits were found about a minute later.

People are crazy if they think the suits totally eliminate your odor, but it can help. If it gives me a few extra seconds one time it was worth it to me.

You can bet your bottom dollar Propster is in with Robinson lol, but that doesn't mean anything if he's just stating facts.

Unless you can prove him wrong?

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I have worked with both companies over the years. More on the technical side than product, sales and marketing. I was just hoping to open people's minds a bit. I find it interesting that those who feel it doesn't work state it so emphatically without any real basis in science, but simply based on anecdotal evidence. But that's alright, we're all entitled to our opinion. I can tell you this though having been around lots of bow hunters and in many camps and on many hunts. Not everyone's hunting methods and regimen lends itself to taking advantage of the technology. Lots of corners being cut out there, and by people who think they are doing everything right. I saw employees from both companies do things that counter-acted all their other efforts. And really never gave it a thought they were doing it. That's probably the biggest misconception is that it is some magic potion and it covers all other ills. It's not rocket science but it can be a lot of work to do it right and have it work for you, especially late season when it gets frickin cold and you've been hitting it hard all season. I don't hunt as much as I used to (dang muskies) and I also don't have a whole bunch of spots I can pick and choose from and keep hunting fresh. So I can't rely on all the deer staying upwind and coming thru only where they are supposed to. I need all the help I can get!

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Same goes for deer that see humans on a regular basis as well. They will tolerate a little more human activity than those that only see humans during hunting season. I never get too concerned spooking deer on the way in or out because it's a busy farm, deer are getting chased off fields by tractors and equipment all the time. Most of the time, they hit the woods for about 30 min and then come right back.

I'd go as far to say the deer know who is hunting them and who the farmers are. Think of it as an odor and pressure thing. They dont' really fear the farmers who are there working the farm day after day doing their thing, especially when they stick to their routine. However when a new scent shows up in the fall and is hitting the woods during unusual farming hours I think that would set off alarm bells. Not that deer can reason that you are the hunter but they will associate normal farming stuff from things that are out of the norm. Please understand I am talking about mature deer and not deer in general. I fool can fool any old deer with zero scent control.

I just feel every time I hit the woods I am laying down a trail to educate the older deer. Unless we get a strong storm this is a scent trail that is their for days (bloodhound tracking) so the big bucks who move through an area any time of the year smell you have been there and avoid that area as much as possible during shooting hours. I hunt 100% public land so maybe your deer don't behave this way but a mature buck is a smart animal and they don't like to take chances.

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Prop what is your routine? As I posted before if you are going to do scent control you might as well go all out and not cut any corners. I'd be interested to know what you feel needs to be done and I am sure others do as well.

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I touched on it once here a couple years ago. When I can get back on a real computer instead of this little phone I'll try to lay down some more details. A lot of you on here are obviously already pretty dedicated and I'm sure do as much as possible to put the odds in your favor. When things go right it can be a lot of fun. Course I don't mind running into a love struck dumb one now and then either. Back to fishing for now, kid just caught his biggest, 54.5 tanker.

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