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Strikemaster Lazer serrated Blades Fractures

Sander v.


I was fortunate enough to have received a SM Honda Lite for xmas and believe it to be a fine running machine, at least for the first month of use. However, I am now on my third set of blades! First set both blades fractured across the hex bolt hole. Second set did the same thing last night. The first set I did claim warranty work and plan on doing the same for the second set that I happened to ruin in 2 wks! I have been tightening the hex bolts as suggested by SM.

For the last two yrs I have been borrowing a buddies Lazer Mag and have had no issues with the same blades(maybe no serration, unsure) and didnt re-tighten the bolts at all.

Any thoughts or experiences some of you may have experienced would be great to hear about.


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