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Jiffy Auger issues - auger runs w/o touching throttle arm



I've got an older Jiffy Model 30 auger that runs with the throttle wide open and the auger rotates as soon as it starts. I apologize in that I may not describe everything with the correct terms and I don't know much about engines and usually just hope they work :-)

I can see that the throttle arm has a spring attached to it and it looks like it should be moving a lever of sorts when you pull the throttle arm but it doesn't. In fact, it looks like this lever is already in the position you'd expect it when you have pulled the throttle arm as far as it will go. I say this because I've compared it to other pictures I've found and in their pictures, this lever is turned the opposite way of mine. I can manually turn it back to what would look like an "off" position where the auger wouldn't be rotating but when I let go it swings back to what I think is the full on position.

I'm wondering if maybe my spring has been stretched? When I compare my motor to pictures of other jiffy motors every piece looks to be there when looking at how the throttle arm and this lever interact but I know so little about it I could easily be missing something.

I apologize for my non-technical description. If pictures would help I can do that. I'm hoping it's as simple as needing a new spring. The auger isn't safe to use right now as it's too hard for me to control when I start it so I'm hoping there's a relatively easy fix. Thanks.

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