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Dang Does!


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Went out tonight as I got to my stand 2 fawns got up and ran away, they were bedded right under my stand. Oh well.

About 5 oclock I thought I heard antlers clash together. A couple minutes later I see a doe coming from that direction. Then it turns into 4 does. Finally I hear a couple bucks sparring/fighting. One was a small 6 point. The other it about 140 inch 8 pointer. It just seemed like the 8 was toying with the little one, which kind of surprised me.

The does keep working there way to me and the bucks follow. The big one starts pushing one of the does and is at 28 yards but one of the other does is getting underneath me...... and then she winds me!!!! Just a bummer because the nice one is in range but I can't draw AND he was completely distracted with the doe he was chasing.

Still was a great night and I always say I just want to at least see a nice one and I feel like it's been a good season. Oh, and my clothes are in the wash right now.

Funny part is that yesterday (even before the encounter) I was planning on moving this stand but at this point I'm going to wait until after season. I think I'm going to make it into 2 stands to better handle different winds.

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