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Ground Blind Tips


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My Wife gave me the Big Mike for my Birthday Last night. A very Nice surprise but Man, as advertised that thing is Big ! I’ve never used a ground blind before but I’m excited to try it out this weekend- with something that Big how do u guys that use ground blinds hide the thing or don’t you bother ? Do you Brush it in, set it up in a deadfall and just pay attention to the Background ? Any tips would be greatly appreciated -Thanks, Eyes

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IMO.....you have to brush them in and make them as invisible as possible. Also, if you are hunting private land, I would get it set up as soon as possible, then leave it alone for a week. Let the deer get used to it being there. They will be skiddish of it at first, but then almost accept it being there. Then you can sneak into it and hunt.

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What he said,,,,,,,,but even brushing in wont help as they still and will notice anything different in there home range. The best is to set it up and let them get used to it. My kid uses them and they sit right out in the open but they have been there for a month. He has deer within 20 yards almost evry night he hunts. That said the wind will get you no matter what so you have to pay attetion.

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Either way can work - brushing in or not. I like to brush mine in but I don't go overboard. If you're hunting farm country or anyhere where there are structures or "things" laying around in the fields, they will get used to it. The trick is not to let them see you in it - ever - or the party's pretty much over. So keep the window openings minimal. Wear black from the waist up. I face paint. lol. Some guys wear those black gaitors like you put under a snowmobile helmet. And then just play the wind like you would a tree stand and set up a little ways off trails like you would a treestand. One thing with a blind, too, is to practice shooting sitting down and also pay attention to where your arrow will go when drawing back. Meaning, draw back, aim as if you would on where a deer would be and then glance down and see where your arrow will go. If the sight pin is too low in the window, the arrow a few inches below might go through the wall of the blind versus out the window! Only had this happen once and it taught me. Depending on the terrain or how the blind is situated, you may need to rise off the seat a few inches before releasing the arrow.

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