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Dr Ken Nordberg


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I borrowed A series of Deer Hunting Books from my father written by Dr Ken Nordberg. I believe they were written and Published in the mid 80’s . I Have pretty much read all five he gave me and now am rereading a couple of my favorites. I cannot seem to put them down. Has anyone else read any of his stuff and found other things he has published that they enjoyed ? maybe someone can recommend a similar type series written by a different Biologist they enjoyed.- Thanks

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I've read most of his stuff and knew Ken a bit back in the day. Keep in mind he is a gun hunter and not all of his methods and opinions, and he is very opinionated, applies to bow hunting as well as you would think. His biggest thing is that he hunted/hunts in northern big woods areas with generally very low deer populations. I defy him to identify individual deer as he claimed he could (I'm talking does and fawns) in a more highly populated area without thousands of trail cam pics, which he didn't have at the time he wrote most of it.

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I love your take and agree PropsterII. I was saying the same thing to my Father actually about the Doe and Fawn I.d.ing . I mostly hunt around the Hill city Area so I found alot of his Takes did apply to my area that Im hunting but I do also agree that most of his stuff is also more for the Gun hunters wich I also enjoy for the few days I do it in the same area.

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