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Wireless Trail Cam's???!

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I think leupold make that kind an its crazy, sends pics directly to your phone, but I think you have to be with in certain distance, getting a signal migh pose a prob too. But leave it to leupold... I know moultrie makes some that takes pictures an you can monitor via computer< I suppose you have to have some kinda application an user fees, an such cause its all satalight, but very handy, an very expensive.

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How handy?

I bet not very! It seems to me like when some new gizzmo comes out for a vehicle or something.... it always takes 3-4 years to work the kinks out. I wouldn't touch one until they seem a little more common and a person can get some good reviews flowing. I just see them as an expensive plan/problem at this point.

Im against the wireless cams altogether. Pictures instantly sent to us seems to be going to far... i think its starting to cross the line toward an unfair advantage. Im real curious how it unfolds if these things work out. Some good deer will certainly die because of them!

Whats anyone else think of this?

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Definitley pushes the envelope of "fair chase" IMO. It's one thing to have one at a property up north or out-of-state and see what's happening from a distance and/or surveillance, but another to have one locally and be in pursuit within minutes/hours of a pic being taken. Where do you draw the line? It's a neat concept, but I wouldn't feel right using the technology to aid in the harvest of an animal.

Covert has the Black Ops, Buckeye has the XD7, and several others that are already gaining popularity. It'll be interesting as you say to see where it all goes.

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