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loose black powder?

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For the guys who shoot loose black powder in their muzzleloaders, I am curious what you carry your spare powder charges in when hunting? I have been a triple se7en pellet guy but may try loose powder. Thanks for any replies.

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RMC Magnum E.C. Loader in a leftover plastic bagel bag in the right side front loading opening of my bird hunting vest. Been there for about 20 years now. Just use a new bag every other year. Have been completely soaked to the skin from rain (wool is the only way to go) pulled out and reloaded and bang when I dropped the hammer. Always there, always dry. Extra powder in a powder flask and extra projectiles and 1075 caps in the lunch box.

Our group has tried a variety of speed loaders over the years. Everyone is using the RMC in a plastic bag now. Most of the others can be found out in the woods where they were rejected at 20 below for being a pain to use with cold hands or mitts on, or were dropped out of a pocket unintentionally or when digging for them in a hurry.

Loose powder is the only way to go. Some of the youngsters played with pellets, but went back to loose powder to get things fine tuned perfect.

Have fun at the range this summer! And practice with your choice of reloading system so it is second nature. And do it while wearing your winter gloves/choppers/mitts! wink


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There are lots of options for carrying premeasured charges of loose powder. I enjoy shooting a lot so I appreciate that loose powder will cost you about a third what the pellets cost plus the fact that you can fine tune your loads for better accuracy.

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Lakevet, I looked at some reviews for the E.C. loader and most said that the older ones made with brass parts were very good, but the new version (plastic) not so much. Do you have experience with the version sold now?

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New ones have been good for us. We take them apart (new ones have hex head screws that hold it together on shaft). We take them apart and smooth off any rough edges/variations on contact surfaces that are typical of any mass produced plastic product. That makes it MUCH easier to turn and WAY less likely to break. Too many guys are "get a bigger hammer" types rather than thinking types and result is that you break things. One guy in our group tends to break things, and after breaking his first E.C. loader I showed him how to polish it up. The second loader has worked flawlessly for years since then. We also paint arrows on top as very obvious visual reminder which way to turn it. Also make sure you have the rod ALL the way up before turning loader. Newer ones have the clear tubes, which is nice.

We do a lot of drives busting brush (many miles in a day), setting up and tearing down portables. The only way they have broken is when used right out of the box and forced/banged on.


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