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Kids homework=A+

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I found this searching the computor and Thought it was kinda cool its a nice perspective from the kids point of view.


Joey Mach


A Shotgun’s Life

Hello, my name is Winchester. I have done many things in my life. But in my life I base my success on three things. One is how much my master uses me. Another is when I like to cause shenanigans, my master gets furious when he uses me sometimes and I find that quite amusing. The last is when I please my master very much, he gets so happy with me sometimes and I love him back in return.

So first of all, I base my success on how much my master takes me out and uses me. I mostly get out during the months of Fall and I’m not really sure why, but I do get out occasionally during the other months and I get to blast these fake “Pigeons” as my master calls them. I do get angry sometimes when my master decides not to use me, like when he goes to hunt smaller game like squirrels or rabbits, he always takes my neighbor Remington. I can’t stand that guy sometimes, I don’t understand why he can’t take me all the time, after all I am a 12 and he is a 20! But my master does really like me, sometimes he puts me in a special big metal case that’s water proof so I don’t get wet and rust. That is one way I base my success in life, is by being used often.

The second way I base my success in life is how much I can displease my master. Not that I like making him mad, it’s just that I find it very entertaining to watch him struggle. I’ve caused quite a bit of distress in his life, like by making him miss, sometimes I feel sorry for the poor little animals he shoots so I purposely miss for him. Then he starts using his projection defense mechanism, he starts blaming the weather, and the wind, and how I’m a lousy gun who can’t hit anything, which is not true I am not lousy at all, and then he gets self-pity when he misses a lot, he blames his bad luck on how much he misses and then he gives up and goes home. When we arrive home my master is really sad and angry so he just throws me on the counter, not putting me in my case, or bothering to clean me. That is how I base another part of my success, causing my master distress. Not in a sick and twisted way, but as more of a comedic way, not a bad way.

The last reason I base my success on is how much I can make my master happy. I love him and he loves me, no matter how much I make him miss, I am a big eustress in his life. I love when he takes me out on journeys in the mornings and we get a bunch of ducks, when I please him he takes me home and ever so gently places me on the counter, then he gently cleans my barrel and my stock with a special cleaning agent and I feel so refreshed after that. Then he rubs “Rusty Duck” (My favorite) on me, which keeps me from rusting. I can tell he is pleased by the way he puts me away, he gently sets me in my nice carpeted cabinet, and on the really good days he places me away from that old grouch Remington. Then I fall asleep feeling accomplished on how much eustress I have brought my master, I sleep very well until the next time he takes me out for another adventure.

Those were just a couple highlights of the success’ of my life, I feel in both ways that I bring my master much eustress and distress, chronic and acute. I get used a lot and feel very accomplished when I make him happy and when I make him angry. That’s a summary of my life sounds pretty fun, and pretty hectic. But just wait until you here about my youngest brother, Stoeger.

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