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I was looking at buying a used Remington 760 Gamemaster. During my inspection of the unloaded gun I noticed that I did not have to push the release button on the side of the trigger gaurd to release the pump action. I was able to move the action semi freely. There was some catch when sliding the pump back but not very much. This is a sign of wear right? If so, how much should I expect to pay to fix it? Thanks.

I might not be very clear in my description, so fire away if you have any questions.

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I am going to see if a gunsmith can look at it to give me a dollar figure. It doesn't look like something I should turn into a DIY.

Knowing where that line is can save lots of headaches and money. But it's also good to push it a little every now and then to expand the skillset...

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It might be worth checking into how hard it would be and what it would cost to replace the stocks with synthetic. (Plus the cost of having the new spring installed.)

Then add those numbers to the purchase price (which might need to be lowered) and see how that compares to the prices for that rifle on some large gun selling websites. It might be worth the hassle it the other parts of the gun are in good shape. If nothing else, it would just be a fun "problem" to solve. But I'm kind of an odd duck that way. grin

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