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Felt recoil and new shooters

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Since this topic keeps coming up both here and in conversation as hunting approaches, I thought I would share what I use as a successful tool in teaching new shooters.

Take the drama out of the caliber. If you make a big deal out of it, "felt recoil" will be a huge issue, if you just introduce the gun and tell the shooter its going to make a bang and have some recoil, reassuring them that they are in control of the gun and having them follow good shooting techniques I can guarentee it will not be a big ordeal. The problem arises when someone introduces the drama of a larger caliber and the mental factor takes over. I will say this with the caveat of leaving out some of the bigger magnums, but anything from .17 to 30-06 when introduced correctly should be a non-issue to any new shooter. Again, take the focus OFF the caliber and teach "this is a brand xyz gun in 123 caliber, now take up a good, solid shooting position, acquire your sight picture, remember your breathing techniques, focus on the target, imagine your shot, and squeeze the trigger focusing on your target some more." You will see the response after the shot being "I hit it!" not "that gun kicks!" I have introduced a fair number of new shooters and this technique works and leads to "lets do it again". And start them shooting now, not during the hectic last weeks before hunting and crowded ranges of sight in days, the bad vibes and multiple opinions coming out of those will be picked up and carried in a young mind for a long time.

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