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Just wondering what some opinions are on using black powder rather than the substitutes. I hunt with some guys that only use real black powder because they say it is better in wet conditions - snow & rain. I use 777 powder, used to use the pellets but get better results with the loose powder.

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BP is easier to ignite than the pellets. I strictly use GOEX ff in my .54 Renegade. I don'th ave any experience with the other powders.

Seems if you have an inline you use pellets. If a caplock or flinter you use loose powder.

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I like black powder for the same reason. As far as cleanup goes it don't matter since you gotta clean it after any powder, just don't let it sit too long because the black powder will pit your barrel quicker than the triple 7. I shoot loose powder in my inlines also, It gives you the ability to fine tune your loads and its a lot cheaper to shoot.

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Flipper, you're the first one I've heard of that shoots loose powder with an in-line. Good for you for fine tuning your load. I see and hear so many people shooting 150 grains. I think it is a waste as I doubt all of it gets burned. Still can't talk my buddy backing down to 100 grains in his Encore.

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I bought my first and last container of the pellets about six years ago. I got reasonable accuracy with them but I prefer loose powder. I shoot a lot of different powders, Goex 2f, Goex 3f, Pyrodex P, Pyrodex RS, Triple 7 2f, and Triple 7 3f. I would love to get my mitts on some Swiss black powder, I have heard so many good things about it. A lot of competitive shooters use the Swiss. If I get close to Elk River this winter I will stop at Track of the Wolf and get some.

All of my inlines but one use #11 caps instead of the 209 primers so that might be part of the reason I prefer loose powder.

As far as load size, the magnum myth continues to be perpetuated. The size load should be determined by accuracy alone. My old White muzzleloaders shoot best with about a 70 grain load pushing a conical of close to 500 grains. That load will stop anything that walks on this continent.

If you haven't figured it out yet, I am a little nutz about muzzleloading!

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Flipper - you raise a good point with the #11 caps vs 209 primers. Loose BP is better with #11 caps and if using pellets, you almost need to jump up to a 209 primer.

I know what you mean about the being MZ nut. I prefer the traditional and tend to shy away from the in-lines. I help my buddy out with hois Encore and that is the only experience I have with in-lines. I love my Renegade and will never part from it. I have used it hunting as well as going to Rondy's.

I got started with in MZ from my ex-girlfriend's step dad. I would tag along with him and both of us would shoot at the matches and I usually beat him. He says to me one day "I need to sell you the gun because you keep beating me with my own gun." HE got tired of the ribbing from the other shooters I guess. Anyway, I learned a lot of information from and am very grateful to learn first hand how to properly load , handle and clean a ML.

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