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Service For Winchester Rifle

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I have a model 70 in 300 WSM. Aftder shooting the gun the last time i noticed that there were cracks in the neck of one of the cartiridge casings. Now I'm no expert but i don't think casings are supposed to crack or split.

Since buying the gun i haven't really been happy with the operation of the bolt. It seems somewhat sloppy and doesn't stay locked down well. After walking through any sort of brush I have to push the bolt back down so it is ready to fire.

I don't know if these two problems are related but the whole casing splitting open kind of makes me nervous. Anyone have any thoughts on what might be going on or a good gunsmith to bring it to? Do I have to bring it to an authorized Winchester Repair center?

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In the begining you say the "neck" is cracking....later on you say the "whole casing" is splitting open....which is it? If it were a head space problem, you would notice cracking or splitting in the "head" area of the case....(about a quarter inch above the primer)...it would appear as a bright "ring" around that area or perhaps even some separation...

on magnum cartridges it is common to have excess pressure signs...but if you are not shooting reloads,and it is fresh factory ammo, I would guess that your chamber....on the neck end is over sized....the only way you can fix that is to take it to a gunsmith and have it rebored...if you are shooting reloads, it is common after loading a cartridge a certain number of times for the necks to become "hardened" and they will crack...that' why it's so important to check each cartridge carefully before reloading them....

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I would then guess that your chamber has gotten out of round or is flat on one side...take it to a gunsmith and have it rechambered or call winchester and see if they will remedie the problem for you...how many rounds has that barrel had through it?

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Thanks for the ideas. The gun has had maybe 60 rounds run through it since I bought it new. Which I dont think is a lot. Do I have to bring it in to a Winchester service shop (there is only one in Minnesota)? Anyone have any recommendations for gunsmiths in the north metro? Thanks for the help!

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