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Good Dogs to Come!!!

The Bronco Kid

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Hello everyone, Right now I just feel like talking. Next week I am going to have my dogs hips & elbows X-rayed to get OSA (whatever it is called) certified. My dog is gong to get some action. If everything works out we will have two dogs mating that have a combined 4 National Field Champions as well as many other Field Champions, Senior Hunters, & Master Hunters. My dog is a Chocolate and the female is Black that came from two Chocolates. We expect that we will get about half and half. The other guy expect his female to go in heat anytime from now to April. The pups might not necessarily be ready for this fall but they should be **** good pups. I will keep everyone posted.

Here for all you mortgage needs!
[email protected]

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The results are back from the OFA. The hips were rated "Good" (It is the second highest rating) and the elbows were rated "Normal" (They rate the elbows either normal or not normal). The next step is just wating for the female to go into heat. I'll keep you posted.

Here for all you mortgage needs!
Jess T. Kline
[email protected]

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