Looking into the possibilty of adding a trolling plate on my 150 4stroke yamaha tiller. Right now I can get it down to 2.4-2.6 mph would like to get it down to 1.5-2.0. I have run my transom mount minnkota 101 to slow it way down but would like to try a trolling plate. Whats your opinions on the brand to buy? Pros & cons of trolling plts? What if I take off with the plt down? any other pertinate info?
Looking into the possibilty of adding a trolling plate on my 150 4stroke yamaha tiller. Right now I can get it down to 2.4-2.6 mph would like to get it down to 1.5-2.0. I have run my transom mount minnkota 101 to slow it way down but would like to try a trolling plate. Whats your opinions on the brand to buy? Pros & cons of trolling plts? What if I take off with the plt down? any other pertinate info?
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