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Lawn Aeration-When to do it and spikes or plugs


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I wand to aerate my lawn this year. when is the best time to do it? The store I went to had the Agri Fab pull behing spike tine type of aerator and the type that takes a plug out. Which is better?

Thanks foy your help!


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Best time? Fall. Around Labor Day

Core aerification is best. It will help reduce any compaction you may have. And it will remove some thatch if you have a thatch problem. Core aerification also will help your roots go deeper.

The spiker is also nice for the fact that it will also solve a little compaction and open holes allowing air to the roots. The spiker you would be able to use durring warmer months to open holes up and allow water to the roots when your lawn gets dry. You would not want to use a core aerifier durring hot summer months because you would be putting alot of stress on the grass plants when its so hot. I have used a spiker alot on the golf course and always worked great on dry spots.

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