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Here are some of my pics

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These are some pics of my identical twin boys born October 18th and werent technically due until January 14th and the rest are some personal favorites.

My wife and me with the boys at 1 month old


The boys at 1 month old


The boys at 5 months old


Me and archery buddies shooting bows


Doe I shot 2 yrs ago it was my first time I got out that year


My first mullie Colorado 2007


My cousins bull 100% self guided trip and same trip I shot my mullie.


Cool pic 4 miles up switchback from our camp


Elk and Deer camp Colorado 2007


My very first Laker it was awesome!!!


My second Laker both on Gunflint Lake 2008


Rare trail cam pic of 2 bucks


Neat pic of buck at sunset


Nice bull off the Gunflint Trail


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Hey, thanks for sharing these, goldtip.

I see they are from photobucket. Are you allowing PB to resize them for you or are you sizing them yourself with a program of your own before you upload them?

I always size my own first so photobucket doesn't have to. People often have trouble getting pics to post the size they want when using some of the online gallery services.

I size my pics to 700 or so pixels across on the long side before putting them up on photobucket.

I just type a caption to go above each photo after I copy and paste the picture code over here from Photobucket.

Once you get them to the right size, it's also a good idea to stack your photos vertically instead of stringing them together horizontally. So I just hit a the return button on my keyboard a few times after pasting in each photo.

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You have some great memories there.

The photos of your boys are amazing. It appears that you might just be in store for a few less hours on the lake or in the woods.... definitely worth it though.

I like the ice fishing shots a bunch too. I think it adds so much more to a photo if you pull back and include some of the surroundings... well done.

Another favorite is the Elk/Deer camp photo. You captured the experience very nicely.

Thanks for posting.

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Thanks everyone for the nice compliments I really appreciate it and to me I knew these were good photos but I didnt really realize they were as good as everyone makes them out to be and I thought the comment about the deer visibility was pretty funny too.. Thanks again especially for the comments on our boys and as far as not getting in the woods or on the water as much I know someday they will be able to go with and enjoys the outdoors with me so it's worth the sacrifice.

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