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Water Poultry

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Catfish....sorry...you'll find the humor of the Yeti to be twisted yet thought provoking crazy.gif...N.o.P = Not on Purpose. o.P. would then be the opposite! ;\)

I was struggling with the setting sun tonight...I was on the wrong side....the dark side cool.gif. (See...there goes the twisted humor again)

I decided to post pictures here after lurking a while because the criticism/comments handed out are very constructive and respectful. That said, all are welcome to give me advice, tips etc. at anytime. I am just a hobby photo guy that uses the guise of taking photo's as an excuse to get out into nature...with a twisted sense of humor \:\/

I also reserve the right to drop in and out of Yeti speak at anytime!!!

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ANY reason to get out into nature is a good reason. I really like the drake's position in the second shot. Light being the key work here, a little exposure lightening would make this a great shot. Do you have any post processing software? Or is that hard to find in the Himalayas?

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Thanks for the clarification, Yeti. Your humor is, uh, abominable, for a snowman. Just kidding! My own twisted humor. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

A photographer can make the light his friend or his enemy. In the fist image, the light angle and the reflections off the water are definitely the latter. In the second image, the flat light allowed you a decent exposure, and I like the composition. A little work in post processing, as Ken mentioned, will help bring out the best in this one. If you say it's OK, I'll drag it to my desktop and do a quick once-through in photoshop.

Being so high up in the Himalayas, do you get REALLY high-speed Internet via satellite, or are you stuck with dial-up? It's a LONG way to string phone line. Not to mention you've got a couple species that are dead ringers to those in North America. Is there a Himalayas, Minn.? grin.gifgrin.gif

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Now you guys are catching on ;\) Catfish...have at it. I have Adobe CS....yup that's right...remember that version!! Hand delivered by Sir Hillary!!! Yeti really hates post processing...mostly because he doesn't know what he is doing!

Thin air responsible for Yeti humor \:D

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I caught on immediately, snowman, and there is no thin air in Minnesota now that the smoking ban is in effect. grin.gifgrin.gif

Here's the image. Just a quickie in CS2. Dropped highlights to make snow white instead of gray, used shadows/highlights to bring out highlights, warmed the image by removing blue and gren in levels, lassoed head/breast and sharpened slightly, cropped a bit. The initial underexposure allowed a lot of noise into the green of the head and brown of the breast, which came out in spades when it was lightened. Sharpening made it even more evident. Could have run it through noise ninja, but that would have softened the head. Six of one, half dozen of the other, don't you know. grin.gif


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I like the way that the head turned out and also the snow. If I have time I am going to see what I can do. Thanks for the help. I never know where to start when I work in Photo Shop. I'll post up my results....

Back to keeping climbers off mountain...

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