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Snowmobile Rental


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Just wondering if anyone has ever rented sleds from Cragun's up on Gull Lake. We are thinking about doing it in late March (weather permiting) and were just curious on what you guys thought of the place, or what kind of sleds they rent out. Any info will be appreciated.

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Unless we get snow, I think the riding is about done on the trails. You would probably get some on the lake, but it wouldn't be too good. Think Jet Ski's!!!!!!!!!!!

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I know what you mean, a week ago I couldn't wait until spring, but now that we have this trip booked, I'm hoping for a couple good inches of snow before the end of the month. Thanks for the info though.

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If you have never been to Cragun's you will enjoy it. With weather forcasts in the upper 30's this week and next you might have a hard time on the trails. But the resort is A+, hope you can ride but end of the month expect some slush.

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