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Showdown or lowrance x96 portable? Advantages?



Hey. I'm new here. This last ice-season i bought aqua-vu showdown. mine works great and i'm getting good at reading it, but i noticed that lowrance makes open-water portables, like the x96, for relatively the same cost. They say that they can be used from a boat but also on the ice. I was wondering what the advantages to keeping my showdown would be. Heated LCD display? ANy difference in winter/summer transducer? Look forward to advice, thanks Far-I

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2 answers to this question

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I am in the market for a sonar for ice fishing and started my search and have 2 price point/range categories I am looking at. Right now with buying used I am debating between the showdown or the Lowrance X97. The Lowrance seems to be a little more advanced that you can get the summer and winter ducer for it and that it is color. The lowrance also has an upgraded model that has a graph/gps split screen too. The showdown seems to be good, but haven't heard much on the "heated lcd screen" one way or the other, so no opinion on that. I think they are good units, especially for being mobile and the fact they don't get interfance from other units is another plue. Good luck, fun shopping for new tools

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