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Arrowhead 135 Mile Winter Ultra Marathon

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I was surprised that I found no posts here regarding the subject bike race. Information on this race, which takes place in February each year, can be found at Arrowhead Ultra .

Because of the extreme weather, many riders do not finish. Riders sometimes get hyperthermia and some that have to be rescued with snowmobiles. This year was especially cold with temperatures as low as -20. Melgeorges is pleased to serve as a checkpoint for this race and salutes all the riders that participate. While I recognize there are usually only 50 participants, it would be good if some riders posted first hand reports of their experience.

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Hey! The Arrowhead 135!

My Dad, Don, aka the Gear Nazi, is in charge of all the pre-race gear check in. I know Pierre Ostor, the director fairly good.

This is the most insane ultra in the midwest!

I have run a few 50k's, but I'll pass on the hypothermia, frost bite, sleep deprivation, and other large furry surprises this 135 miles has to offer.

Ok. I will admit. Im a wuss.

This race is for the toughest of the tuff.


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