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Itchy Springer


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I had the same problem with my Springer. My vet recommended "Durma Caps" they are pills with essencial oils, fatty acids, and vitamins(the one we have is "3V Caps") supplement that is supposed to help. We bought ours from the Vet, but I know they sell a different brand at pet stores (probably cheeper). Or vet also recommended tring Benadryl. The "Durma Caps" seem to be helping.

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If it is truely just the dry skin winter itchies then a supplement like firfyter suggests would probably do the trick. A good moisturizing dog shampoo (not people shampoo) could also help.

Make sure she doesn't have fleas. I don't know if she's an indoor dog or not. If she is then fleas are a possibility as they will happily live in your carpet and furniture all winter.

If it's allergies then Benadryl could help.

I'd try the supplement and shampoo first.(I use 3V caps for my dog too) If that doesn't seem to work then a trip to the vet to make sure she doesn't have a skin infection requiring antibiotics and to rule out allergies. Good luck.

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It is not fleas as we have had her to the Vet. and he said it is dry skin and she is a neat freak (always licking). He has given her steriod shots in the past. We have switched her food she was on Iams and we are now feeding her Nutro Natural Choice. We also have order Zoom Dog for Itchy dogs. Benadryl really doesn't do much for her. Hopefully the rest will help. Thanks for the info.

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On one of my labs I noticed he was very sensitive (he scratched alot) to certain dogs foods. We made a couple switches and found one he likes and does not cause the itching problem. If these other things don't work I would try making another food switch.

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Our springer gets itchy in the winter also. Switched to Solid Gold Hunterflocken (I think) food, which made a difference. There are shampoos and food suppliments that work well, too. One winter, we added cod liver oil to her food, which made the itching go away, but after a while she smelled like dead fish.

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