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Fuel Line



I thought I'd enjoy a nice warm morning on Bush lake today and maybe catch a few pannies. The best laid plans of mice and men... the fuel line between the tank and the carb broke on my Eskimo Shark with 2" left to cut on the 4th hole and I didn't feel energetic enought to cut holes with my manual back-up (at least not through 30" of ice!) so I plopped down in front of the 2 holes drilled before the line busted.

Anyway, on to my question:

I have some standard 1/4" OD vinyl tubing on hand. Will this react with the gas-oil mix and cause some sort of engine problem or can I get by with this as a short term fix until I get hold of some real fuel line? This is the line that extends into the fuel tank and so it sits in the gas 24/7. I'm hoping it'll get me through the rest of this winter, but if not I'll have to pry open the wallet and spend a couple bucks for the real deal. To be on the safe side, I'm planning to pull out the tubing before storing the auger this summer.

Thanks in advance.


PS - only 3 holes in a non-optimal location = no fish

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3 answers to this question

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Zzapp, My Z-51 did the same thing to me last year. I went to the local auto parts store and got a foot of 1/4" Tygon. replaced the line on the auger and I've got enough left over to carry along, should it happen again. Tip... When you replace yours, leave enough extra so it doesn't pull tight when the outside temps drop. I think they're cutting the lines too short where they're assembled. Phred52

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