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Canola aka Rapeseed Questions

Tom Linderholm

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Does anyone out there have any experience with this? We were recently approached to lease out our land to a farmer who was interested in growing this on a 4 year term at a pretty good lease rate. Currently we have about 50 acres set up for hay.

My concerns are as follows:

1) Is there any negative impacts that this will have on our land and/or streams?

2) How will this affect our QDM deer management in comparison to leaving it as is? We have an additional 4 acres of scattered food plots. The gentlemen said that deer like the crop, but without knowing much about it should I take his word?

3) Will there be increased allergen issues?

Thanks for your time.

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I've grown it for several years as a food plot, the it's a great late season food source. The deer chew the stalks to 1/2" of the ground, and have been pawing through the snow to get at it.

If the farmer harvests it, there won't be much for the deer though.

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