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What is the best way to get rid of those dang moles. I put so much effort in a yard and the moles come and ruin everything! I put down bug killer but how often should I do it? I even went as far as buying mole chasers you stick in the ground and it pulsates to scare them away. I have underground sprinklers but I have the feeling I over water! How often do most water a Zone of your yard?

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When I had a sprinkler system I fought them constantly. Went to Ace hardware and bought a product called Mole Nots. Stinky stuff that looks like rabbit turds. Put a couple in each tunnel and within a week dead mole. Problem is you can only use this product after they show up. The pulser and sonic gadgets never worked for me. Best thing you can do for preventing them is to use a grub killer in early summer. That is their primary food.

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