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Tragic Accident - Condolences


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My condolences to the families and friends of the two high school students recently lost on Lake Minnetonka. There are no words I can provide that will comfort you at this time. May your grief be short and the happiness they gave you great.

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Chells. That's what I was thinking as i read the paper today. But... When I was at that age, I did some pretty dumb things myself that my parents could not control. I think these young gals were not aware of the thin ice conditions and all this talk about black holes with open water this year. Very,very said story. Hope the parents can get through this.

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Very sad. My heart goes out. Can't imagine what that girl must have been thinking.

They aren't sure when the car went through, one report said between 7:30 and midnight. 7:30 isn't so late on a school night.

Have fun, catch fish, but most of all be safe. Make sure your only problem is catching fish.

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I'm suprised I'm alive today myself!

Teenagers have a tendency to think they'll live forever, I know I did.

I live in the kid's neighborhood and I heard they were out around midnight--I probably should'nt take it for the complete truth.

I guess it stuck a "cord" in me from my youth--parents divorced and a Father who didn't care--I would take off all night screwing around and come in at dawn.


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it is sad. even though im from PA those things happen here every year and i would have to say happens where ever there is ice.
i remember how stupid and ignorant i was be cause i was on the ice every year and thought i knew it all. then i went to a VFD sponserd ice rescue class. i found out that i only knew two things one that there is ice and two how thick it was. now im educated to what the dangers are and how to spot them

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