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Fall fertilizing


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If you haven't done so already, now is the perfect time to get out and fertilize your yard.

Use something with a decent amount of Nitrogen (the first number) to get the grass growing again from the dry summer we had. With the cool(er) nights and not so hot days, you should be able to get whatever is going to grow, growing.

Then, in about a month, use something like a 10-0-20 for a winterizer. This will help the root system throughout the winter, and with the lower amount of Nitrogen, will reduce the risk of snowmold / winterkill.

The U of M says that by far, these two applications will do much more good for your yard than a spring application.

This way, the nutrients are already in the ground for next spring, and you can get a pre-emergent with low low amounts of Nitrogen in the spring, thereby reducing the over abundance of top growth in the spring, reducing the multiple number of mowings each week, so you're able to get out in the boat more.

Spend a little more time in your yard this fall, and have more time in the boat next spring.

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Pre-emergeny for crabgrass will work just fine if you put it down early spring. If you are going to over seed the lawn, use a "turf builder / new grass fertilizer" That stuff really helps out existing and new lawns.

I am now on year 3 with my new lawn. About 1.5 acres, all sandy soil, had (and still fighting) weeds, but it is starting to look great now. In the back I put down that pre emergent crabgrass killer, and it worked excellent. I only wish I had put that down in the front too!


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I want to over seed my yard this year, can I put the fertilizer down now, get the new grass going and then put down a pre-emergent for my crabgrass problem? Then late fall put down the winterizer fertilizer? Or is that over doing it?



You cannot put down a pre-emergent with new seed. It will keep the seed from growing.

In fact, me personally, I wouldn't even put it down next spring, unless you've got a good base going.

Usually the bag will say don't apply until the 3rd mowing or so.

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