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thatch or not to thatch

panski master

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I am going to aerate ny lawn this weekend but am wondering if I should thatch it first. I haven't cut my lawn since june 1st and that grass is 3 inches tall and brown. With all the rain last week it is matting down. I'm thinking by thatching it, it would open the soil up and prevent my lawn from being smothered out by the dead grass. ANy info on this idea would be helpful. I also am going to fertilize it to give it a boost. Keith

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Shoot, right now most grass is being cut at 3.5", I wouldn't worry that your grass is 3" tall.

Aerating will pretty much do what you're going to do with thatching. If your grass is dormant like you say, personally I wouldn't run a thatcher.

There's always big discussions on different mowing websites about pros / cons of thatching. IMO, as long as you have healthy turf (grows when there's moisture) there's no reason to thatch (dethatch, which ever way you want to describe) It's when people mow once / month in the spring, leave it looking like a hayfield, that need to work on it a little more.

A little thatch helps holds the moisture, keeps some weeds down and in general is good for the turf.

If you thatch a dormant lawn, you're going to risk damage to the leaf part of the grass, since it's brittle anyways from the lack of moisture.

If you walk across your lawn and leave footprints, it's too brittle. If not, and you really want to put the extra effort into it, then go ahead.

Now, if you took a soil sample, and you have 1"+ of dead matter on top of your soil, then by all means, go ahead.

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