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My lawn is about 30 years old and has some thinner spots in it. I would like to rent a power overseeder and reseed the entire lawn but have a question for you people that know.

From what I understand the power seeder is just a walk behind seed drill that furrows the seeds into the ground. Well, last year when I was reading the package for the Scotts crab grass preventer is said that this product can prevent new seed growth and that I shouldn't penitrate the ground after it is applied. So that basically says that I can't overseed and have crab grass control. Is that right or should I wait till fall to overseed? Am I missing something here?

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My lawn is about 30 years old and has some thinner spots in it. I would like to rent a power overseeder and reseed the entire lawn but have a question for you people that know.

You are correct. Wait until the end of August / early Sept. to overseed. I know it's probably not the answer you wanted, but that's the best time.

From what I understand the power seeder is just a walk behind seed drill that furrows the seeds into the ground. Well, last year when I was reading the package for the Scotts crab grass preventer is said that this product can prevent new seed growth and that I shouldn't penitrate the ground after it is applied. So that basically says that I can't overseed and have crab grass control. Is that right or should I wait till fall to overseed? Am I missing something here?

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Do your crab grass preventer this spring (if you need it, don't just apply it if you don't have a crab grass problem) and then over seed in the fall. That is the better time to overseed (or any seed) anyways. Seed the last 10 days of August to the 1st 10 days of Sept. If you do both this spring the lawn seed will for sure not germinate. Crab grass preventer cannot differentiate between crab grass seed and any other grass seed.

There is a company called Windscapes that does overseeding (and new seeding) with a process called Terra-seeding. We use their services often and have had good results. It is a process that blows a compost and seed mix over the entire lawn and helps give the plants a perfect seed bed to get started. The seed has a higher germination rate and a much better chance of establishing a lawn.

Good Luck!


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Spring overseeding is possible but there is a trick to incorporating the preemergent crabgrass control. If the weather cooperates, do your overseeding next week when it warms up and dries out a bit. Also put down a shot of regular fertilizer that has no weed control in it. If you get grass seed on the ground soon enough, it will complete the germination cycle before the crabgrass germinates which is around the middle of May. The trick is to hold off on the preemergent until you start to see a few of the lime green crabgrass shoots starting to pop up around neighborhood. By then the bluegrass should be done germinating. If this sounds like too much hassle, wait till late August or September.

Mad Mulcher

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